الاثنين، 8 أكتوبر 2012

منال راضى حسين

الاسم : منال راضى حسين

السن : 25 سنة

تبحث عن حب جاد و علاقة محترمة

الأربعاء، 3 أكتوبر 2012


You are making me want to get a bold colour blazer, preferably in mustard or teal. Any suggestions?
I had great luck finding some nice colors with which to start the season! You should have no trouble finding some bold colors out there. I think you want to be careful to not get such a bright color that it overwhelms you. You want to wear the blazer, not the other way around. Another tip would be to get whatever you end up buying altered. Almost nobody is "off the rack", even if they say they are. Spending that extra money to make a garment truly fit you properly is going to make all the difference in the world. High end or low end, when something fits properly, you'll be surprised how many compliments you get versus when a piece just doesn't fit correctly. Finally, I suggest you get a blazer that works with your proportions. For example, if you are on the short side, don't get a long jacket. Or if you are a little rounder in the bottom half, don't get a short jacket. Oh, one other thing. A jacket can be feminine and still be strong.